Saturday, January 3, 2009

An Entertaining Start!


I hope that everyone's Year started amazingly! Jonny and I spent it with his family at a very fancy hotel... It was so much fun! The night ended with Jonny, myself, his brother Chris and his friends dancing to Madonna in some bar in DuPont Circle... I mean could it get any better than that?

I can't lie to you, I'm a little sad... Jonny left for tour today, he's going to be gone for 4 months! They drove to, some wear... he's told me like 45 times and I still can't remember! We dropped him off at the Kennedy Center this morning... Once we said goodbye, his dad took me to the bus so that I could come back to New York... Of course I have a story for you!

So I say goodbye to Jonny's Dad, everythings great, we're on time, there a couple people there so I send him off and go stand in line... As I'm standing there I realize that I'm about to get onto a bus for 4 hours and the Chipotle that I had for lunch yesterday was... well you get the picture. I run into this Potery Barn like store that was right behind me to relieve myself. Wait I need to go back a bit.

For Christmas I got Jonny / myself a record player. I found some vintage records of Madonna in St. Louis, had to get them, then had to get the player to play them on ... clearly! So anyway it turned out that Jonny's parents had two boxes of old vintage records that they told us we could have free rain on ... our best find was "LIZA WITH A Z!!!" My heart completely stopped when I saw it! (you're probably thinking what the $%#$ is that? It's Liza Minnelli's 1972 CBS special! It will change your life go watch it! they play it on Show Time all the time!) We found like a good 25-30 records that we liked! And they're heavy!!!

So I have 3 really heavy bags... my clothes and like 2 bags of records... I have this girl, wearing pink sweatpants, watch my stuff for me... ok now we're caught up. When I'm done I'm exiting the store when this homeless guy comes running up to me, he Say's "Hey man I'm spose to come and get you, the bus is leaving with out you! The girl left your stuff" I was like "WHAT!!!!" Just records and very expensive clothes left unattained on the streets of Washington DC... I start running!

When I get outside everything was still there - THANK THE LORD!!! Then this lady comes up to me and say's "Hey don't you know the bus Pick up was moved! they did it like a long time ago... you should know this!" Well this being my first time riding with this bus how was I suppose to know?! Out of the corner of my eye I see pink sweat pants girl turn the corner, so I just start to fallow her.

I'm sure I looked like Quasimodo trying to lug all this stuff down the street... the homeless guy starts to fallow me, he says "Hey man since I came and got you and made sure that your stuff was ok do you think you could give me some change or something, so that I can get a warm coffee? It's cold man!!!" I'm like, you've got to be kidding me do I look like I have a hand free to give you money right now? NO! So finally I see the very long line 3 blocks away, once I get there I give the guy 2 bux so that he'll get off my back.

I relax a bit. Pink pants girl and I start talking while waiting for bus to show up... it was late, of course! All that rushing for nothing! Apparently she's a drama major at NYU but loves musical theater and was really sorry for leaving my bags!

The bus finally show up... I go to get on, and the guy tells me I don't have the right conformation number... He says I need to get a hold of MegaBus and have them text it too me so that he can let me on. I call 411 - nothing! This person on the street looks up the website on her cellphone and can't find the number on line. I said to him "Dude the money has been withdrawn from my account! You got to admit this is a little ridiculous!" He was like hold on let me see how many people are suppose to be on the bus. He's gone for like 4 seconds then comes back and says "Whatever just get on"

So crises averted! The bus ride was very long but I made it home! It wouldn't be right if there wasn't a little bit of drama! And it wouldn't have been that bad if I hadn't of had Chipotle for lunch yesterday... hahaha

Well I love you all! Talk to you later:)