Yes!!!! We went to DISNEY and OH how magical it was!!!! We couldn't even handle ourselves elation was at a full out no marking 1,000,000,000,000% ... :)
I don't know how but Jack managed to score free passes to one park (with a $25 upgrade to the other park - witch obviously we did!!!) So we started out at DisneyLand - you know keepin in classic:)
The ambiance was just so light, airy, magical, there wasn't a care in the world, We couldn't stand still we were dancing all over the place - It was like we were 5 years old again hahaha
Our first ride of the day was Space Mountain:)
It was crazy!!! I had no clue what to expect ... I was blown away by pretty much every ride - but Space Mountain was a great introduction to how the day was turning out! Oh yeah - we totally went boot-leg style and took pictures of the pictures instead of buying them ... HA probs not legal but what are you gonna do? :)
After that we did the Buzz Lightyear ride:
It was ... for kids ... but fun:) After that we did the Matterhorn Bobsleds... Let me tell you if I didn't need a chiropractor before - I needed one after this!!! They shoved us in 2 at a time:
Oh Julia - I'm so sorry!!! hahaha
Our next adventure was The Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage - I sat next to this lady that had the freshest baby i've ever seen in my life... on her lap!!! And he wouldn't stop staring at me - The ride was whimsically mystical:)
Following our under water happening we climbed the mountain - Big thunder Mountain that is ... it was long, bumpy and not my fave...
While our mexican much settled we enjoyed the ornately detailed scenes from the Pirates of the Caribbean Ride:) Then got stuck in the Haunted Mansion - I don't know if there were some really annoying / drunk people but the ride kept stoping needless to say it was for kids and not that exciting ... hahaha
Glad to be out - we ran over to Indiana Jones Adventure - and what an adventure it was!!! Because the wait was 45 mins we got solo ride passes and cut in front of everyone!!! Sorry bout it! THE RIDE WAS AMAZING!!!! I almost pooped my pants when the bolder came rumblin at us!!! The warnings for the ride were hilarity!!!
On such a high we needed some nostalgia so we danced over to FantasyLand - oh the pictures explain it all:

I know so cheesy - but oh so necessary!!! After our photo shoot we had to have some tea:)
Let me tell you - those Tea Cups are no joke!!!! Vom Central!!!
We finished memory lane with a little Mr. Toad's Wild Ride (HA) and then we started heading over to California Adventure.
As the day progressed we kept seeing characters in the distance ... and not wanting to stand in line Erica kept it bootleg style by doing a little pass and snap:
There was one character, however, that we couldn't pass up ... Erica and I were talking about her all day - she is my main Disney Princes - I grew up with her and I love her so much and I freaked out when I saw her I couldn't handle myself - So Starstruck!!!
Oh it made my day!!! I love you Arial!!!
Now off to the Adult rides:)
The first ride we went on in California Adventure was Soarin' Over California - it was amazing!!! Not at all what I expected!!! So fun - then feeling a little crunched on time we started running!!!
Tower of Terror was first - Erica and Cassandra were so scared!!!
Hardy and I - so chill, so relaxed, SO ready:
This is the group before:
And Erica after...
Then we ran over to Screamin' - such an amazing ride - so unpredictable!!! You go from 0 - 60 in like two seconds... you can't really do anything but scream:) This is us the first time we went:
The second time we knew the picture was coming and gave you Sensible Coaster Couture:
To give our bodies a rest we ran over to Mickey's Fun Wheel ... David apparently has a huge fear of ferris wheals... who knew:
We were laughing so hard David, was cracking us up!!!
My final ride of the evening was the surprisingly challenging 3D interactive game called Toy Story Mania:
Who let Grandma and Grandpa on this ride??? hahaha I don't understand how they did it... you would roll up to a screen and start shooting things that were coming out at you in 3D and a computer on the car would tally up your score - I beat Hardy by the way:) It was really cool!!! I love Disney...
So to finnish off the already amazing day we enjoyed the astounding, magical, stupendous, incredible, electrifying, stunning, mystifying, Water and laser exstravaganza called The Wonderful World of Color:

Look it up on youtube - these pics don't do it justice!!! It was a 30 minute spectacle projecting scenes from disney classics on a wall of water, with breathtaking musical interludes and fountain pandemonium! It was the perfect capper to an amazing day - we sang the theme song to T.W.W.O.C. all the way back to the hotel:)
Thank you Julia, Gina, Hardy, Mickey, David, Gaspare and Cassandra for an incredibly fun filled, memorable day:)