Going from Left to Right.
* Me... you know who I am - clearly.
* Alissa Alter - I talked about her in blog 1.
* The 3rd person in red is Jarvis B. Manning, Jr. he's the male swing and is hilarious - just can't handle it!
* Walter Kemp the II is just fierce, there's no other way to explain it! He plays Tyrone ... the Orange Moose!
* Looking brilliant in Purple is the Flightly Flairy, AKA Tasha, AKA the Yellow Dancing Hippo. Her name is Laura Catlaw!
* Next to Mis T. is Creighton Fraker, a purple kangaroo, named Austen, who turns into the Grabbing Goblin... he's going to weigh 5 pounds when we're done with the tour - all he does is jump around the stage!
* Now Kandace Nunn - she plays Uniqua! Brilliant! Everything she does, you just want to bottle her up and take her home - it's just too much! I can't handle it!
* Then we have Laraisha Burnette, she's the female swing - Just so talented! She can sing anything her voice is ridiculous!
* And last but most defiantly not least is Shawn Shafner he is Hilarity as King Pablo, the yellow and blue Penguin.
So when ever you get confused at to who I keep talking about, reference this! ... so far everyone is getting along really well I think this is going to be a really good year:)
Just a little quick update as to how things are going. We finished teching today, and did our first run through... it was so ruff, but by the time opening comes on the 28th we'll be so good and ready that they'll be hand delivering the Tony that night! I feel it:)
Hope y'all are doing well! Miss you - talk to you later!
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