So you saw the first 2 - the footman and the merchant... Well here we go the 3rd is the Basketball Hoop... yep you read right, B-Ball Hoop - full out no marking, I just need to show you - here:
So what you can't see in this pic ... because i'm behind a pile of things the Grabbing Goblin has grabbed... is that the shoes I'm wearing are HUGE! They're bright orange and about 2 feet long, you know to represent the bass of the Hoop... Hilarity!
This next costume I'm kind of in love with because I feel like a Vegas show girl:) ... all we do in it is Boorey (sp?) across the stage and do a sensible pony during the "Tweedly Dee Tweedly Doo" number -- lolol
See what I mean? It's just cause we have those ridiculous flowers on our heads. I'm on the Left and Shawn is on the right. Oh during this little section of the play we're in the "Flighty Forest" so theres a lot of florescent lighting... and the lightest shade of green on our costumes turns So abrasively bright we look like outer space creatures or something it's pretty funny!
Oh boy ok - So I'm sure I've told you all about this next costume ---
You're probably saying to yourself "What? were is he, don't see his face" well that's because I'm in the Dragon!!! I move the head and blink the eyes while Alissa holds up the ass and flaps the wings... literally she holds up the ass with a harness - she's practically got a New York size loft the back of this thing! lol! So if you look really closely you can see two little mesh holes on the neck of the Dragon - that's all I have to see with! Alissa's on Headset so when we're backing up they can tell us if we're about the run into something (lol) but other than that I can't see a dam thing! Also see that little indent in the neck ... that's my arm - my head is all the way up the shaft of the neck, and the body of Mr. D sits on my shoulders. Now I must say that as much as I hate getting in my condom costume... (that's what I call it because I feel like I'm diving into a felt condom) It's all worth it hearing the kids reaction to us!
S0 there you go thanks for coming to my costume parade - I've decided I'm going to change my title from Actor to a Professional Changer because all we do is change clothes for a living:) I'm just joking I like the clothes so it's all good:)
Oh - this is also kind of amazing, I was talking to the Costume Designer Camille Assaf, she's amazingly talented and a great person with an amazing accent! Anyway, the other day I asked her how she went about costuming this show, because making humans look like animals but still having them be able to Dance and have complete mobility is quite a daunting task you know! She told me she took each Backyardigan ...
how perfect is it that you are a basketball hoop! i love it! i'm getting more and more excited to see the show. love you paul!
I don't even KNOW how to begin choosing my favorite costume.
Guess how is VERY jealous of you right now? ME!
and by ME, I mean DC...from Georgetown Cafe...
Hope tour is magical. I'll following along.
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