Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Change of plans...

I'm not going to beat around the bush - cause I don't really know how to with this subject!
My Grandma Annie passed away the day after my birthday (March 13th) in the middle of the afternoon when she was sleeping. There I said it. When my mom told me that night, I was shocked! Grandpa was the one with Leukemia I thought maybe she got confused ... but she didn't. Grandma Annie left with class though! I would expect nothing less from her that's all she was - class!

lol - now when I say class, I get this image of some obnoxious snob living on the upper east side. This was not grandma she was a different kind of class! The most down to earth lady you could ever meet! Never once did she judge, she had the right answer to everything! She would put you in your place if you were out of line but at the same time she was the life of the party! Grandma Jon and I would play Rummy till all hours of the night - while telling us story's of her life and how Grate Grandma Mildred always cheated when they played... what I'm trying to say is that she was an amazing lady!

Grandma Annie ... aside from my mom, was my biggest fan:) she saw my first play in the backyard of my baby sitters house in Snohomish WA ... I had this terribly dramatic death scene ... needless to say we all got a standing ovation! All of my talent came from my mom... who got all her talent from Grandma!!! :)

I have no clue what she's doing here ... I know it's a pic from a play she did in High School... but just for the sake of it lets say she was staring in Evita:)

The cast is in Battle Creek MI, performing at the Kellogg Arena. The Producers let me miss two show so I could be with my family... Thank you!! Her funeral is on Thursday. Please say a prayer or send me some good energy that day, I'm singing a song called Finally Home, and I don't want to brake down in the middle of it! Thank you all - I love you.

Hey Grandma, I love you! Hope you're having fun up there!

1 comment:

Amy Farquhar said...

she was an amazing person. i'm glad i get to be there with you on thursday. we are so lucky to have such strong family (and such amazingly loving grandparents) in our lives. i love you a lot paul, i can't wait to see you.