Alissa woke me up this morning at 8:30 just as chipper as could be... I was like "Really - GO BACK TO BED!!!" but of course she didn't. She made do her Jillian Michaels work out video, you know the girl from Biggest looser:

Then we went to the Flint museum... they were having an exhibit of all of M. C. Escher's work, witch is amazing!!! He took us back to an advanced geometry class... I went with Shawn, Creighton and Alissa and we stood in front of each painting for about 3 minutes trying to figure it out! ... give me a script and I'm fine, but ask me to decipher an Escher and I laugh if your face:) Just in case your confused heres one of his paintings... can you even call it that - masterpieces!

Isn't the pic amazing ... and isn't Andy Warhol scary looking... lol this is another one that I love because I pictured him to look just like this:
It's Salvidor Dali.... lol funny right! I have never seen a pic of him but he totally fits the aura of his paintings...
This is another one that I thought was amazing:
After we left the museum we went to a Farmers Market that was right across the street from the Hotel... this too was surprisingly fun! I ended up getting this dip called, and I quote "Slap ya' Mama" No joke - this lady makes it by hand ... it's to die for! She gave us her personal number so that we can order direct from her when we need to replenish our supply for the bus... lol
... yes it keeps going... all of that before noon can you believe it? lol After a delicious lunch at Eddy's Cafe we went to Rehearsal and I learned Pablo's track ... it's pretty fun! Tomorrow I have my first flying rehearsal, I'm not excited about the bruises that I'll acquire in strange places, but it will still be fun.
Also stay tuned because tomorrow the cast is filming a horror movie... lololololol you think I'm joking - nope! The Arena that we're performing at has some really scary rooms we thought we had to take advantage of! We only have 3 hours to do it so we'll see how it turns out. Jarvis and I have plotted out the entire thing tonight. I can smell the Oscar it's going to be brilliant... lolololol I'll post it once it's done, don't worry:)
Ok Love you all - Talk to you later:)
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