So we're in Waco Texas... Home to the Dr. Pepper museum, Lots of tornados, and the David Koresh suicides.
We're playing in a arena called:

Now apparently this is some sort of fair grounds cause the lot is huge. Because it's so big we have to share. And lucky for us we're sharing it with horse barrel racers... I talked to a couple people, couldn't understand a word they were saying cause they're accent is so bad, but they do this every week I guess... I'm sure they switch it up and do something different besides barrel racing... but what do I know?

I snuck into the little place that they put the horses. Almost got stepped on about 20 times. I kept getting in people's / horses way!

So the only thing that's dividing us and all the horses is like 3 stables, therefore poop and dirt is carpeting the floor of the arena! And as if that's not enough we have wild life in our dressing room. There's a very loud, obnoxious cricket that has made a little home for himself in a hole in the wall. No I'm not joking! I went over to the corner to see if that's were the sound was coming from... The little thing just taunted me! He waved his little antennas at me, said hello and then scurried away!
Walking to the stage this morning I saw 5 little cockroaches having there morning breakfast on some horse manure! I told myself it was ok and just kept going... Hahahaha Sometimes you just have to take things for what they are and hope that they will never be that way again!
Love you all and will talk to you later... hahaha:)
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