We've actually been having a lot of these "travel days" I've just been waiting to put them all in one big post.
The first happened a while back, We had a day in Jacksonville Florida, The rooftop pool at our very sheik hotel. We were up there all day long. Had food and beverage delivered... lol we were pretty lazy!

So later on in the day, maybe after a drink or two, we had a little photo shoot:

Yep yep I know, you don't have to say anything! We have way too much time on our hands ... well there's more.

I just noticed when I was copying this picture that it looks like she is totally checking me out. Don't worry! I was standing behind the chair, it's the angle of the picture...
And op nope, it's still not over. Since Christie missed the first photo shoot, we had one of our own.

I mean why not? When you have time to kill, why not take some pics?

When we were in Wichita Falls Texas, there was absolutely noting to do, except the water park:) There was a waiting pool, 2 30 foot drop slides, a lazy river, and the most fun was the kid part... hahaha:

I mean who doesn't love splits on a log? We highly enjoyed the Lazy River and Racing!

The first time they tied and the second time the girls won... look at how pissed the boys are... hahahaha cracks me up, men are such sore loosers ;)
The one thing that was hard was the heat! Oh my it's just way to hot in Texas! We couldn't even walk, the pavement was too hot and the grass was infected with Fire Ants!

We left pooped, hot and dehydrated! Waiting for the shuttle van was the last thing that we wanted to do:) All in all another amazing day in the sun:)
I've been saving this for the end... partly cause it happened 2 days ago, but mostly cause it's the best! We went to the original:

Yep the very first:)
Our day was filled with many adventures:

This was the first coaster that we went on, it's called the Titan. I almost pooed my pants! Do you see the lesser of the two big humps... not the huge on on the left but the thinner one on the right. Well that's the first drop... you go into the ground! You drop into a tunnel, It looks like you're falling to your death! It was kind of amazing:)
The next one we went on was horrible for the ladies:

This was the first wooden roller coaster that I've been on and I hated it! I feel like I received Shaken Baby Syndrome. I thought my head was going to fall off.
Once we recuperated from the wooden Texas Giant, we tackled The Batman! Witch by the way I saw The Dark Night last night and I absolutely loved it! Heath Leger is Amazing! He has to win everything for his performance! Basically go see the movie and when your in Texas go ride the ride it's pretty fun.

I forgot to take my Dolce and Gabbana's off, so the hole time I was worried about them falling, but they didn't It was great tho! We sat in the front and everything with no wait, it was incredible:)
Unfortunately everyone was waiting for Mr. Freeze:

And let me tell you that is false advertisement! It was a billion degrees in the waiting area! I thought I was going to pass out. It gets so hard to breath when it's that hot! However I have to say the wait was worth it, The ride was 10 seconds of total genius!

The Yellow one is the full Batman ride and the blue is Mr. Freeze. You go from 0 to like 100 MPH in two seconds. All the sudden your spinning up and then back down and then your going strait up into the air, just vertical, strait up to the heavens:

And then all the sudden you do it all again just backwards! Then before you know it you're being yelled at to get off the ride! All you want to do is sit there for two seconds and contemplate what you just put your body threw, but you can't. I loved it!
When we took a little brake from the craziness, we found some much needed water rides, that made us smell horrendous for the rest of the day and of course some overly priced games:

And then we found the best thing at the park... DIVE BOMBER ALLEY!!!
Laura and Tigger went first:

She was terrified! What happens is: they strap everyone together, and then put everyone on the rope. So if one goes down, the other will hold you up... I guess. Well they call 1-2-3 Fly and you have to pull the rope, witch releases you and then you ... fly! They got all the way up to the top, Laura pulled, and then she stopped breathing. When they fell it was completely silent, She was pooping herself, and Tigger thought she had passed out. After the initial free fall was over they were fine. I think it's the first time that Laura has ever been speachless:)
After Laura and Tigger. Jinay, Phill, and Erick went together, and then we were up...

I had the honers of pulling the rope...
It was amazing! You can't really hear it too well but we started singing, "I believe I can fly." Hahaha I know we're geeks!
People split up again after that, to keep with the supper hero theme we went on Superman. It was a little redundant, another free fall ride.

It was fun tho. It made my loins feel all funny ... hahahaha that might have been a little too much information. It's true tho:)
We did one more coaster after that. This one was called The Shockwave.

And that's basically what it did was shoock you at how old it was. It was so shakie I was nervouse for my life! The tensian rods on the sides of the ride should move, but not as much as they did! I prayed the hole time:)
By this time we had been at the park for over 8 hours, so we decided to go, however, on our way out. Tigger, Erick and I Flew one more time... Talk about weight making a diffrence! We fell so much faster and harder it was kind of rediculouse. This is a pic with everyone and they're winnings:)

Now you know it wouldn't be right if Christie and I left without taking any pictures... Well lucky for you, we didn't let you down:)

Hahahaha Because of the over exposure to the sun, We, being only Christie and I, had gone a lot of crazy! We were definatly being those anoying kids in the back seat that just won't shut up, and then get the giggles... to put everyone out there missury, we decieded to forgo the group dinner and order room service and have, are you surpized, another photo shoot... Hahahaha:) Partly only cause we had such an amazing backdrop:

It was just this random wall in our hotel room... funny right... Well over all I'm loving our days off, and our outside adventures:)
Love you all, and I'll talk to you later:)
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