I know what you all were thinking! "God I just love his hair like that! I really hope that he did a photo shoot!" Well it is your lucky day! Walter, Jarvis and I had an impromptu photo shoot in the forest behind the theater one day when we were waiting for the bus to leave.

This is Walter and Jarvis's best pic:) lol - I consulted Tyra about it, she helped with the final decision:

Even Michele got in on it!

That concluded our Boredom section of the Entry, Now we're onto the fun:) haha
The other day we were personally invited to come enjoy a sensible day at the Biltmore House by a representative from the Vanderbilt Family. I'm totally lying! We payed $40.00 to see about 1/4th of the house, well mansion!

It was absolutely stunning!!!! I wish I could show you some pics of the interior, but we weren't aloud to take pics inside and I couldn't find anything on line that did it justice. All the decor in the house is the original design. Some of the pieces have been there since the beginning in 1895. It's amazing! And all of the staff is so nice and knowledgeable, we opted out of getting the head phone things and found that it's more beneficial if you just ask the guards in every room... hahaha some interesting things that we found out were, it only took 6 years to build, in 1895 they only spent 6 million dollars (can you believe it!!!!????!!!) to be a maid, or someone on the staff was concidered hitting it big & they were very diverse, people from all over the world would come to work at the Biltomore house! Aparently they treated everyone with a lot of respect! The Wife had a school that she ran for servants... I know that not the right termanolgy but if you graduated from there you had an otomatic in to were ever you wanted to go! Here's the family... they're so busy!

Could you imagin waking up in the morning oppening up your blinds and seeing this:?

Just miles and miles of you're own land... Ok so now that you've fallen asleep from that little history lesson... I'll give you a downlow of what we did. When we arived we toured the house. It took like 2 hours. Then we walked around the little garden that was right next to the house:

Apparently there was another huge garden that we missed. But still as you can see it is Gorges!
After that we met up with everyone and took a shuttle over to the winery. FYI it was 5 miles away from the house. 5 MILES. They had this cute little gift shop were everything was over priced... but the pest part was the free wine tastings!!!

We each got to taste 5 different kinds of wine. I can't remember the one that I liked the best but it was fun. After that a couple of us did some Grape stomping... hahahaha I'm not kidding:

It felt so grose! But it's definatly something that I can mark off my list of stuff to do in my life time! lol The funny part is, when your done you dry your feet off then you step in some purple paint and then put your foot prints on a paper... here just have a look:

It says "I stomped Grapes at Biltmore Estate's Winery" and then they had us sign it for authanticity... lol it was so funny. Everything was stunning! The mansion, the landscaping. I hear that it's amazing in the winter. I kind of want to go back... I just don't want to pay the $40.00 bucks again.
Ok it's 2:30 am, I'm sure there's a rediculous about of spelling/grahmer problems, so just enjoy... I'll fix them later. Good night:)
Love you all, Talk to you later:)