We had a day off when we were in North fork Virginia. So we went to Virginia Beach:)

Laura and I were walking down the beach, just enjoying a sensible conversation about how much we missed our significant others. When Steven, a beach photographers, pops up out of no were asking us if we want our pic taken (I'm thinking we do a quick pose, you know put your arm around each other, done and done we go on with our walk) So first it's low key, he's posing us like we're at a high school prom, displaying the corsage. Then he starts yelling at us to kiss!! We were like WHAT? He really thought that we were together! I couldn't do it - We were laughing so hard! So then, we're frazzled, people are starting to stare. All the sudden he tells Laura to get out of the pic and it's my solo time, he made me do the muscle man pose... you know arms up flexing, humiliated! Then it's Laura's time - now she loves that camera, most photographic person I know! He wouldn't let her pose herself, he's screaming put your arm down, put that arm down! Then he tells me to go back and lay next to Laura in the sand! (You know what els I love is that through all of this we never said no ... we did everything he told us, lol) Then all the sudden Laura is on top of me! I'm laying in the sand and Laura is ON TOP OF ME ... It was just too much! We lost the paper that he gave us with the address so we didn't know were to go to get the pics... but we sure did get a good laugh about it!!!!
After the impromptu photo shoot, I lost in a game of not it:

Yeah they thought it would be really funny to berry someone, I'm still finding sand in places I didn't think sand could get.
Once we were done with the beach, we went to get Tattoo's:)

Ok it's a henna, but it's supposed to last for 3 weeks. And it's not playboy bunny ears, it's a Pisces sign. It was kind of embarrassing, I couldn't put my shirt down, or sit for 3 hours cause the ink would crinkle:) lol wile we were waiting for the it to dry, we partook in an oxygen bar.

It didn't do anything, it was quite a waist of $15! It must have been bad oxygen... lol
So after that we did some good old fashion:

Oh yes we did put put...lol!

And just for your info I did win the game! Well... Kimberly and I tied actually:)
When we were done with our riveting game of Put Put we got some dinner and then went on a journey to find a haunted house. We found this instead:

Hahahaha Yep I know it's so cheesy, touristy, but it was really fun:) It ended up being an amazing day!
We didn't have to be at the theater until 5 the next day so I took the time to work on my tan by the hotel pool and run... now when I'm running I also think of it as a way to work on my tan. A friend of mine gave me some red running shorts that I thought would be a good idea to wear. Well the rout that I ran was right by a major road and a very busy museum. Now the shorts are extremely short... and I didn't have a shirt on, people were staring! Cars were honking! It was aether people thought I was devastatingly hansom or they hated my choice of running gear... lololol
So yesterday we did one show in Salem Virginia ... It was nothing but normal! We started our opening pep rally, I say "Lady's" and look down to a women breast feeding in the front row!!! I am not lying to you!!! Titty out baby having dinner I couldn't handle! And the baby must have been really hungry cause she did it for all of act 1!
So then we get to the "O the Things that Goblin has Grabbed" number and in the middle of the dance, the net of my basketball hoop gets caught in Laura's head piece! We try to get untangled witch just makes it worse, we almost pulled her head piece off... so we're not stuck. We finish the scene, run off together, now the net on my left arm is caught in the guitar that Laura has to pass off to Paul (the prob guy) not knowing I have everyone tangled in my net he grabs the guitar and it swings back and hits me right in the knee cap! It still hurts! Carma is rude! I don't know what I did wrong but she didn't like it:)
I love you all and will talk to you later:)
1 comment:
No entries since right after BOSTON?!?!?!?!?! Come on now! I am behind too and I miss you like crazy. Your entry saying goodbye to me was so sweet. It makes me miss you even more everytime I see it. Now listen, my new phone went kablooey and I lost everyone's phone numbers which is why I haven't been in touch. So...please call or text me soon and tell other people to do the same so I can get your numbers again! I want to talk to you!
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