Yep, Yep the tour is still in Florida:)
Let's dive in. We had 3 days of sunshine, humidity and constant sweating! We had a day off the first day we were there. I did some D.C. work starting to prepare for Meagan, Laura's replacement's arrival. I met her today actually, she's lovely:)
Feeling a little overwhelmed I went for a run. You'll be impressed by this: I went running on the longest Sidewalk in the world.

It's 4.5 miles of continuous, scenic sidewalk along Hillsborough Bay:) Here's some pics:

Isn't it pretty:) As I was running there were fishes that were jumping up out of water saying "You can do it! Keep going, you're almost there!" In a fishy kind of voice. Ok so they didn't tlak to me but they really were jumping out of the water! It was entertaining, I told myself I was running that it was a pieces thing... hahaha anyways, there were houses lining the other side of the street. They are huge and beautiful!

This is the beginning of Bayshore, on the Tampa side.

So along with the jumping fish, there was also a lot of honking that was going on! The last time I went running the same thing happend and I starting to think it's not a coinsidance. Maybe my running atire might have something to do with it but I don't think so! What do you think?

I like to think of running as a more aerobic way to tan... I mean why not multitask:) But I don't understand why people feel the need to honk? Any incites?
That night we went out for Christies Birthday... I picked out her outfit and she picked out mine... hahahaha are you ready? I'm going to be asking you for a lot of comitment, I mean this is full out no marking!

I decided to wait... you'll see the full picture later.
We went to this very sheik Tapas restaurant. Everything was ridiculously good! There was live music:

We had 2 pictures of Sangria, Deviled eggs and humas for apatisers, and the most amazing entres you could imagin:)

(oh - here's a little more of the "full out no marking outfit") After dinner the sangria took over and there might have been some dancing:)

Here's the full outfit for you... doesn't Christie look great! It's ok you don't have to say anything about my outfit:) Once we were over the dance floor. Shawn and I decided to let the music take us to places that we've never gone before, while staying in our seats:

Just to let you know what's going on in these pictures is greatness... hahaha in the 2nd one I was singing along, well trying to, with the band. And I would like to draw attention to the lady in the 3rd pic that is fully judging us... Hahaha

All in all is was a great night! Because we had a 3 shows the next day we went home at a very sensible hour and watched like 8 episodes of Greys Anatamy:) AKA we were in heaven!

Kandace is a naitive of Tampa Florida and her family, gracously, thru us an amazing party! She had over 100 friends and fam come to the 5pm show on Saturday. Since we had 3 shows we despretly needed a shower... So needles to say we were fasionably late. We walked in to everyone waiting our arival. The tables were set up wedding style:) The Cast in the front:

The crew was at an arms length to our left:

And the most important table of all was too our right:

I felt like we were royalty, we were even greeted with a riveting performance from the Oak Angels:) Enjoy:)
Kandace used to choreograph for them when she was home. Aren't they great? We loved it:)
After introductions and a very short prayer:) We dove in and it was perfect! After food was cake:

And after cake was dancing! Oh we did a lot of it:)

Of course when you have kids you know there's going to be some amazing Kodak moments:)

Laura was even giving Flighty Fairy lessens:)

I have no clue how this happened but, for some reason I'm not surprised:

Hahaha... It was so refreshing to be around family! Even thou it wasn't my own, they made everyone feel at home. Thank you so much for such a great night:)
The theater that we were performing at was also the home to a Camp Broadway type thing. There were 200 high school/collage age kids attending. Apparently the Backyardigans' audience reaches out to more than just 3-7 year olds. These kids were hilarious! They're was always a group of them crowded at the end of the hall just hanging out waiting to see if they could get a glimps of us. I wanted to be like "kids, calm down, this is what you have to look forward too" hahaha:)
The last day that we were there, However, the roles were reverced! Idina Menzel was performing her live tour right after we were done loading out, but unfortunatly we couldn't go the concert, we were leaving at 8pm and that's when the concert started:(

We couldn't even get a picture with her. Michelle, our company manager, did everything she could! Idina was sleeping... really... it's not like she was about wail for 90 mins, like she's been doing one nighters for the past week and a half, like she's headlining her own concert tour and needs to be healthy for her people! I mean come on Idina:) I know all that because we talked to her stage manager for while before we left. It's ok maybe our paths will cross again.
I got to go to the bus now... we have a 10 hour drive:( and it's 1 in the morning:(
Love you all, talk to you later:)