Before our much needed week off, we did 7 shows in DC. Jonny came down since that's were his parents live. On our day off we went downtown with the intention of viewing Dorthy's Rubie Slippers... but there in storage right now cause The Museum of American History is being renovated. So for a second best we went to The Museum of just plain ol History. We saw the Hope Diamond (Quite surprising: It was not guarded at all, the only thing separating us from billions of dollars is a piece of glass. There much be some Harry Potter spell on it!) Then we hoped on over to the Butterfly house;
After that, we saw a riveting tale of life in 3D on I-Max called, Monsters of the Sea! We fell asleep! It was about the life of this dolphin like creature in the Era of the Dinosaurs, and finding there fossils today? I think? After the initial wow of the I-Max/3D the story became really boring... lololol
Later that week we had a family outing too;

To end our lovely time in DC we did another delightful sailing trip in Chesapeake Bay. This one was quite eventful, not only did we get to swim in the bay (the water was so warm it was amazing) but I almost died! Ok well, I didn't almost die, I almost lost my leg. Jonny and I were sun bathing on the front of the boat, just loving life. When they turned we didn't here them yell, whatever they yell. All the sudden the sail was right over us and my leg was caught in between two ropes... Jonny was just laughing he says all he herd was screaming and seeing my legs just flaying all over the place ... I probably would have laughed too if I saw it:) All is good I just have a little cut that's going away... It was so much fun thou, after that we had a BBQ in this beautiful section of the beach! Jonny and I might have taken a little too much to the wine;
Or maybe it was the sun... I don't know, aether or, we had a great time!
Now this brings us to our Seattle adventure:) Yep mom flew us home to spend some time with the fam! Jonny did amazing, he met pretty much everyone, and as to my knowledge they all loved him:)
On wed we went to Deception Pass, it's... well here:
It was raining (are you surprised?) on Thursday so I took him up to Tacoma to meet my Nanny. It went very well, she's one of those old lady's who just says whatever she wants no matter what! I have many Nanny stories that are quite entertaining:) She asked Jonny and I both, 2 times each if we had girlfriends back in NY, haha we were like "No Nanny, New York girls are rude" :) lolol (Don't take offense friends, I'm sure you understand:)
Ok so it's 2 in the AM and it's getting really hard to think! We'll have to brake this up in two.
Love you all! Talk to you soon. I'll try to do part 2 tomorrow.
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