We just had a very entertaining week in Fort Lauderdale Florida!! Complete with 2 days off so I have a lot to tell you:)
The first day we got there we immediately ran to the beach:

Now I don't have that many pics of that first day, cause all we did was work on getting cancer... we just laid out all afternoon:)
After a VERY long 7 show weekend we had two days to play. We started it off right with a very sensible house party. Walter graciously invited the cast over to his home. We met his hole family and got to enjoy some amazing banana pudding, lovely conversation and of course, you can't invite everyone over and not expect them to see your embarrassing baby pics:)

You know a party is good when the Hats come out:)

And we ended the night right with a blessing from Nanna and the perfect Kodak moment:)

The next day was another sensible beach day. Again more cancer:) We found a Tiki hut that was about 15 minutes down the beach. After some refreshing beverages it was more cancer...
Later on Chris, our sound guy, shows up with some snorkeling gear. I've always wanted to go, luckily he had a spare:)

Chris gave me a two second class on how to breath. I tried it out, everything was great so we took off.

Now if you'll look closely, in the ubove pic, way far back, you can see some booies... we had to swim just past those and it's the land of Nemo... well I didn't make it! We start out & I'm like "yeah this is great I love it, I can do this!" Then we get about 7/8ths of the way there and my goggles start to fill up with water. While trying to keep myself a float I tried to fix them but it just wouldn't work. Then I started to panic cause i was taking in a lot of salt water. I had to go back, and Chris had to come with me cause you're not supost to go out alon... The hardest part was swimming back! I think an anjel came and got me cause it was real ruff!

I had to go in once we finally got back to shore, I felt like I was going to thro up! Heres a little note from the wise, practice snorkling before you go diving into the ocean:)
After my near death experince, I took a much needed 3 hour nap:) Woke up just in time for the BBQ! The crew has a grill that we brake out every once in a while. It was a great ending to a lazy day...
Sally and I, the next morning, woke up at 5:30 (such an ungodly hour) to watch the sunrise:)

It took a full hour for the sun to come to it's full exposure. These pics don't really do it justice, It kind of looks like a sunset, my camera didn't know how to capture the light, but at the end it was full daylight. Once it was all over we went right back to our beds!!! Hahaha:)
When I woke again... Jinay, her boyfriend Scott, Christie, Creighton and I hopped in the car and went down to Miami. Our first stop was a clothing optional beach called Haulover. It was an experience let me tell you. I have never seen so many peirced peepee's in my life! Most of the people there were over 50 so it was the least sexual thing ever! Everyone was coming together to enjoy the sun, the increadibly clear warm water and the feeling of freedom:) There were two funny's of the afternoon; the first was getting asked to play Vollyball. One of the guys with the peircing came up to the group, looked durectly at me and asked if I wanted to play... now if you know me your probably dying with laughter cause A- I don't do sports and B- the thought of vollyball in the nude? Oh hell no!:) The other funny is we were all in the watter, just loving our lives, when all the sudden we notice some Pellicans nose diving into the water unnervingly close to us. These Pellicans were bigger than me no joke, we're like that's a little scary! We look down & realize that we're in the middle of a school of a million fish!!! Of course we all start screaming like 12 year old girls at a Back Street Boys concert, they were darting and swerving all around our you know whats... needless to say we exited the water imediatly!
Feeling crispy and ready for shade, we did a kick ball change and hedded for downtown Miami:) Now of course I don't have pics of nudy beach, sorry, I thought it would be a little rude to take pics let a lone post them... lol we did see this when we left the parking lot though:

They look pretty funny when they run away, scary as hell if it decided to run towards you, but luckily that didn't happen:)
Once we got downtown we scoped out a place with moderately priced drinks and great food. We found better: Happy Hour and a fabulous host that came with the package:

It was perfect! After 2 $5 Pomegranate Martinis and a $7 entree we were ready to brows ... we started walking. 2 doors down was an American Apparel... we did quite a bit of damage. So, full, broke and on a time crunch we decided to head back. We walk out of the store to find this:

This guy, just hoppen down the street with a python. It's an endangerd snake, he was charging $20 donations to take pictures with it, all proceeds go to reviving this species of snake. The thing was totally licking me!!! He said that it was bread in captivity and was venumless, but still that's like the 3rd time I almost died in 2 days!
I couldn't leave Miami without taking some more pics. Here you go Mom, scenery:

Totally pooped from such a fun day, we passed out:

I definatly want to come back! 2 days was not enough time! Now we're in Gainsville on our way to Tampa ... There should be some fun things coming up, so stay tuned:)
Love you all, and will talk to you later:)
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