Sorry for leaving you on such a hanger, I bet you were all just beside yourselves... Now I'm sure that towards the end of Part 1 there's a lot of misspellings/ retarded sentences, but I'm not going to change them ... just leave your judgment outside and sound things out if the word is unrecognizable...:) lolol
One thing that I forgot to tell you about Wed, is after our Deception Pass trip we went over to Issaquah to see The Village Theaters production of Aida. It was pretty good! I didn't realize my friend was playing the lead!

Her names Ryah Nixon ... She's kind of a big deal. What out for her she's quite talented!
Ok so were did I leave off yesterday? Oh that's right Friday Fireworks ... Oh This is exciting. Saturday we went to Seattle:)
We met up with my cousin's Amy and Erin for lunch, we got Tubs Gourmet Subs, the best sandwich place in America! Maybe even the world ... yep I said it! I love them! We got them to go and ate down at Gas Works Park

It's one of my favorite places in Seattle, you get the best view of the city! Just as a point of reference Gas Works is were they filmed the paint ball scene in 10 things I hate about you.
After, The best sandwich in the world, we hoped on the bridge and went down town...

Amy made us take this picture... lol so cheesy I know:) but downtown there's a bunch of real nice shopping! We just wandered a bit. Then we jumped on the monorail and went to the other side of town, to the City Center.
There's this huge fountain:

We thought it would be a really good idea to touch the dome...

We never made it... I got closer than Jonny but we didn't want to be soaking wet for the rest of the day.

Amy said that Jonny and I reeked of that water for the rest of I didn't smell it tho. You know... downtowns pretty touristy! They have all these things that you can take pictures with... of corse we did it!

Speaking of touristy, we wanted to go up in the Space Needle ... but the line was too long, we didn't have enough time. So we took so pics under it:

I know I look like a legal midget in those pics! We are standing on little balls and I was falling off, cause they didn't share:)
After that we did a couple of the little rides they have in the "Fun Forest" ... I think ... I don't really remember what it was called, but the rides are like 100 years old ... you definitely have to ride at you own risk!

It was fun tho... after that we went to Pike Place Market:) It's an open market that is over 100 years old. Here's a little history; In 1906 the price for Onions was jacked up do to high demand. Outraged Seattlights were not having it, so Thomas Revelle proposed that there be a "Public Market" were the citizens can purchase goods directly from the vendor, cutting out the middle man. On the 1st day it opened only 8 farmers showed up with produce while 10,000 eager buyers came hopping down the hill. Everything was gone by 11:00 AM:) Now about 10 million people a year come to enjoy the 9 acres that is Pike Place Market. (Are you impressed Stef?)

This little fish vendor has made a multi million dollar company out of the throwing fish... it's one of the mane attractions at Pike Place... Jonny got an amazing picture of them in the act:

I would like to draw attention to the lady that's crouched down in front... just scared for her life! wouldn't that be amazing if the fish hit her in the face... lololol ok I know that's rude!
And to made Pike Place even more amazing - it homes the to birth place to Starbucks!!! Yep here my friends is the original emblem to the empire that is Starbucks coffee:

Tities and all ... are you surprised they changed it? I'm not:)
Because you can't go to Pike Place and not come home with some amazing, fresh, way to expensive fish! Jonny and I had to pic some up. This man was very helpful in picking out the perfect salmon and crap leg for our BBQ that night.

$70 later we were set and on our way.
That night Charel, a good friend of the family had us over for dinner... we provided the fish she did everything ells ... we call her Martha, she makes Christmas tree butter molds for chrissake ... she's amazing! This is her and my mom:)

The company, food, everything was amazing! The hole week was amazing! Jonny and I did not want to leave!

In fact it was quite hard getting thru the show today! I had way too much fun on brake!
On our two flights back Jonny illegally took some photo's on the plane:

We just couldn't resist. Isn't it beautiful!? We actually had quite an eventful 1st flight... sitting next to us, in the flesh, was the teacher who had the affair with Dawson from Dawson's Creek. Yep we shared the same armrest! She was very nice, right now she's currently in Day's of Our Life's and she looks great!
So now I'm back on tour, Jonny's back in NY. We're in Jacksonville Florida right now... we'll be hopping around the south for a while. Just sweating our balls off! But I'm sure I will have a lot of pool pandemonium to report on ... lol
Love you all and I'll talk to you later:)
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