Friday, May 30, 2008

The Real Falls!

Right after brake we went up to Buffalo NY. Very cute little town... the theater we performed at was gorges! Apparently very old and historical.

We were in a cab going back to the hotel and the driver was like "oh you are playing at Shea's, I went on a tour of the theater, they have curtains from the 1800's that weigh 4,000 lb's" I didn't see them if they're there...

Anyway - the best part about Buffalo was not the wings... Although we did go to the birthplace of buffalo wings ... they were good!

Now I don't know how long they've been the "Original" for... some signs say 1936 and some say 1964... personally I think 1936 sounds more impressive but ... what are you gonna do.

The best Part of Buffalo was ... Niagara Falls!!! We had 4 hours before we had to be at the theater so, Alissa, Laura, the new girl Christie and I rented a car and did it! It was breath taking! I can't even imagine people doing Barrel rides off of it, and surviving! ... I for some reason had a very strong urge to get a raft and jump in ... but I figured it would be suicidal.

Are you ready?

P.S. That's Canada on the other side of the drop... That log floating in the middle of the picture is about to burst into a million pieces when it hits the bottom of this...

I couldn't get a really good pic of it but this is the Shoehorn Falls ... they are the biggest of the the 3 of them! Just the power of the falls in general is overwhelming!

And see the mist ... you can see it from the freeway witch is 25 minutes away...

Of course to make our experience worth it, we did the Cave of the Winds ... it was amazing, first of all we got to were these really attractive poncho's that did wonders for our figure! in terms of protected us from getting wet... NOPE!

I'm not lying to you ... We were dancing under Niagara Falls! You couldn't even breath the pressure of the water falling on you was unbelievable! and every time we would get the courage to get up in it's busnass it seamed to blow even harder! I got some really cool pics thou:)

See that water fall in the center of the pic... we were under it! Dancing... AKA screaming like fools! We had our tour gide take of pic of us after... you can't really see it but we are socked!

lolol We're so dramatic I love it! So of course we couldn't go just once ... I needed more! Later that day we came back to the Falls at night:

I can't handle it! They're too much! We read about how the falls will eventually become rapids, cause the different layers beneath it are not able to hold and are collapsing... it wont happen for the very long time but still I'm kind of glad that I got to see it before it got boring! :) Over all it was a perfect day!

I love you all:) Talk to you later:)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Jonny:)

Happy Birthday Jonny!!!! Yep yesterday Dad's, today Jonny's:)

This is him at his finest:) Love you babe! I wish I be there to celebrate... May you be blessed with another 24 great years... lol :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Best Week Ever:)

First of all - Happy Birthday Dad:) It's my fathers B-day today, he's turning the big 50... he's so young:)

I know it looks like I have a poodle on the top of my head - but it was a good pic of Dad. I love you and wish I could be there to celebrate! May you be blessed with 50 more great years:) lol


We recently had a much needed week lay off. It was amazing! I love Manhattan so much! The first day I got there I saw an 80 year old lady roller blading, a munk in the full out garb; brown robe, the beads - everything. Then I saw 2 people, one right after the other, with big black eye patches... all in one day! I was like really? Only in NY!

But clearly I spent most of my time with Jonny:) we had so much fun! We saw 2 movies;

I liked Indiana Jones a little more than Narnia. It was kind of funny, we went to the very first showing of I.J., at midnight. The buzz in the theater was amazing! People even dressed up for the occasion! I was like, Really?

We also saw 2 shows on the big, amazing B-way. The first one was;

It was AMAZING! A 3 act play of total genius! The mother and daughter are both up for Best Actress in a play, for the Tony's this year, totally deserved! It's about this totally dysfunctional family, and it's fascinating!

The other show we saw keeping in the category of dysfunctional, over baring, messed up mothers was;

Miss Patti was absolutely incredible! She's also up for best Actress in Musical, of course she's going to win, little bitch, everything does is so good - I kind of hate her:) I was also quite impressed with Luis (Gypsy Rose) she was quite enjoyable!

And of course we had the occasional party to go too:) lol no but, my freind Erin Spears, who's subletting my Apt. right now:) Had a b-day party on Monday. And my roommate Jen had a going away party, she's finishing up school in France and then moving to California. So it ended up perfect that I was in town to say goodbye:)

Also Congratulations to Josie who finally finished her Masters! She graduated from Columbia University that day! Doesn't she look amazing:) The trio, sadly, will no longer be though:( Amanda, a besty of Josie and I, is moving into Jen's room in October. It's a little bitter sweet, I'm so sad that Jen is leaving, but so excited for her new endeavour and for Amanda to move in - love both girls so much!

The thing that I love most about the city is you'll be out with one person, having lunch or coffee, and you'll run into everyone you know. It's the biggest city in the world yet the smallest when it comes to your privacy:) You can never leave the house looking nothing but your best... lolol I got to catch up with some amazing friends, Brad;

He's shorter than me. So when we take pictures he likes to stand on his toes to try to give himself a little more hight... clearly it didn't and Anton ...

We ate lunch at this 5 star restaurant and that a friend of ours works at. It was kind of awkward, clearly we were not dressed for the occasion, but they seated us anyway. Total judgment from the entire restaurant! Every move we made was being watched and noted! lol the lady next to us even pulled out her American Express Black, I wanted to ask her if I could just touch it. But I figured she had body guards somewhere that would shoot me for talking to her!

On the weekend Jonny and I went down to spend a couple days with his family! A lovely visit as always:) On Sunday the weather was amazing so we went sailing with a family friend of theres. So much fun!

Oh, this picture fetchers our new sunglasses as well, we got them down in the village - they're so over the top I love them:) Anyway, It was so funny I almost got knocked off the boat about 20 times. We defiantly got a sensible sunburn:) And we got to celebrate Jonnys b-day;

I called it the homo cake:) It was kind of hard to light the candles with the wind, but the cake was delicious! Over all the only thing bad about the week was the one audition that I went on for Radio City... I kind of wanted to shoot myself, just everything about it was bad, I was humiliated! lol - but we move on and focus on the good things!

I love you guys, Talk to you later:)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Knoxville TN.

Hey Y'all, Yes, we are in the south!

OK, were to start? I love Knoxville, so far it's in the top 5 favorite cities!

We got in to Knoxville at 9PM on Sunday the 11th. Our hotel happened to be right across from the 1982 site of the World's Fair Park. It was very quaint!

Yesterday I spent most of the day out in the sun by the amphitheater, reading. It was so nice to relax/read/work on my much needed tan! I've never been this white in my life!

They also have this cute little place called Market Square. It's a block of little boutiques and restaurants:

I stole that pic from someone else's blog:) They have concerts there in the spring/summer time. Our favorite restaurant was the Red Tomato. Oh my loins, there sandwiches were to die for! Made with such precision, I had the "Oh Boy" it's a party in your mouth! And on a very random note, especially the people that frequented the Red Tomato, everyone looked like they stepped directly out of an Anthropology (for the girls) or Urban Outfitters (for the guys) Catalog, it was kind of strange yet refreshing at the same time!

The other amazing place that we ate at was "Calhoun's On the River" A great ribs joint. I wasn't really feeling ribs, I had a salad with White Chilly! It was amazing! For the appetizer we figured it was a must to have a true southern treat, Fried Green Tomatoes... lol let's not try beat around the bush here, we got them cause of the movie:) Of cores when in the south you have to drink your beer, uncle Scott you would have been proud:)

Since there was a hill steeper than Mount Everest on the walk home, the buzz was killed quickly:)


Even the theater was gorges:

It's called the Tennessee. I guess we were stunned by it's beauty, cause we sure did have the most awkward moment yet on tour. The first show we did at the Theater, Alissa and I go to start our opening fanfare. "Ladies" "And--- Boom the lights go out! We were standing there in complete darkness. We didn't know what to do so we just kept going, eventually they put spots on us, we finished the scene and ran off, to kayos backstage. All the crew people were running around throwing cords at each other, yelling us the stay out of the way. The power board had shut down... We held the show for about 8 minutes and then just picked up were we left off. It was pretty jarring though, that's the first time anything like that has ever happened! The rest of that show and all the others were fine though!

The other Ironic thing about the theater was that it was on:

Yep GAY ST. lolol it was real cute too! I'm tellin ya, the homos know how to do it right:) It was lined with real fun shops, art galleries, cafes. Every time someone said gay st, one of us would start singing "Keep it Gay" from The Producers:)

There is a lot of stuff that wasn't in walking distance that wish we could have done. But I'm hoping that my travels will bring me back for further exploration:)

Tomorrow we go to Ashland for a day then to Indianapolis, then it's a week off in the city! I can not wait! I miss Jonny. I should go I have to get up in 4 hours... :(

Love you all! Talk to you later!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


This is kind of Creepy!!!

Yesterday we were in Chattanooga TN. We were there just for a day, got in the night before at around 1AM. I went to the room cause I was awake, Alissa stayed on the bus cause she was "comfortable!" Come 3AM, just as I'm starting to drift off I hear the door open... I checked to see if anyone had come in, thinking it might be Alissa, but there was no one, so I turned back over. Then, it happened 3 times, I kept waking up cause I herd rustling in the bed next to me, as if Alissa had been there. Every time I looked over the bed was untouched, not even a wrinkle!

Alissa told me the next morning when she came in from the bus at 4:30AM the door was open. I'm positive I closed it, all the way when I got in at 1! I was convinced that the place was haunted after Laura told me that when her and Creighton when to there room they found everything a little askew. The toiletries looked like they had been used and the tub was running, almost overflowing with scolding hot, rusty water. Clearly they weren't going to stay in the room, the front desk guy said that the room hadn't been used in 2 days! I called the hotel today and asked if the hotel was known for being haunted? "Ummm, no you're confusing us with the Sheridan, room 1313 I believe." So who knows, maybe I'm starting to go crazy!


I was looking through my pictures and realized I have some stuff that I haven't told y'all yet... I don't know when this was but we had a day off in Grand Rapids MI. We get a "City Sheet" for each city that we go to, Janey puts this page together that gives us all the information we would ever need to know about our schedule, what there is to do, what's close by, all that kind of stuff! So we get the C.S. for Grand Rapids and it says it's the best city in America, with a website to go to that lists at the tourist attractions for the town. The creators of this website have to be confused or talking about another city cause the Grand Rapids that I went to was BORING! I took a pic of the Rapids... lol

The most entertaining part of the day was when we saw this old man fall... we were in from of the Ford museum, sitting at a picnic table, when a bus load of senior citizens got dropped off for the days field trip. I guess the man didn't realize there were stairs just to his left, but he went down pretty hard, camera went flying! We all gasped in horror! He was a trouper, a little jostled, he still walked away with a smile!

There were two good things about G.R. and that was the weather; it was a gorgeous day! I wanted a pool, my Spedo, and sensible beverage! and we found this cute little restaurant that apparently my family owned and never told me about;

Of course we couldn't go in cause we had to go back to the hotel, but next time your in GR go to my little Bistro:)


When we were in Camden NJ, we went across the rive to see the sights of Philadelphia:) Laura lives in Philly so I spent the day with her. She had an interview that morning with Kandace since they both went to school there. After that we went to her house in Old town. Gorgeous! I couldn't handle it! I don't know how she affords an actual house house, but God bless her, she is living in style!

She took forever to get ready! We finally started our day with lunch at this amazing little Restaurant right around the corner from were she lived. Then we found a place that had a TV to watch the interview. It was kind of funny everyone was so excited to see them on TV, But once they realized we were advertising a kids show, they kind of lost interest:)

We just did a lot of walking! On our rout up to Walnut street, that's were all the shopping is, like NY's 5th ave. On the way we passed a bunch of beautiful old cemeteries...

The stones that are just barely out of the ground are so old that they've sunken in, and have no more inscriptions on them do to erosion. When i die I want to be cremated for that reason!

We ran into The Pennsylvania Hospital: it's the first and oldest hospital in America;

I took a picture of this for you mom, it's called the Union League. Now it's just a ridiculously, over priced, club house for the elite of Philly. Laura said it used to be this meeting place for republicans, or something like that... I don't really know!

What ever it is, it's a gorgeous building! Later that day I met up with Alissa, her boyfriend Shane, and her parents for dinner. We ate at this authentic Italian Restaurant called Ralf's, it was amazing! We ended the night with a sensible stroll along the Harbor:)


I also found this picture from York PA. This was taken right after we saw the bus for the first time, and were about to embark on this crazy, Backyardigans adventure:)

Jarvis looks pissed!! lol

So just a little update. I hope y'all haven't forgotten about "Oh My God" the horror movie we made:) The first copy that I sent to my mom didn't work, she just received another one yesterday, so if this one works we should be back in business!

Love you all! Talk to you later:)

Friday, May 9, 2008

A Drastic Change!

So We are in Louisville, KY... or as the locals pronounce it Looavule!

We woke up real late, cause we got into Lulvul at 5 in the morning... so the first thing we did was go find food, we hoped in cab witch took us to:

... It's just a street full of restaurants... it's really cute, there's an outside bar and everything. I bet it's hoppin in the summer time! Since they're like 10 of em, we randomly chose The Red Star Tavern! It was very classy! We had Mint Juleps with skillet fried cornbread smothered in honey butter goodness! It was to die for!

Alissa calls this my Mary Kate pic... lol So after lunch we walked around a bit but when it started to rain we suck shelter at a corner starbucks and hung out there for a while:)


Later we met up with Laura and Kandace. (Now I need to backtrack a little bit... For a very long time I've been thinking about doing something "drastic" about my appearance! This morning I woke up and said today is the day ... then, when I was with Alissa two people referred to us as, Ladies! Which solidified my decision!) The four of us were walking downtown when we came across a wig store. (Kandace has gotten all the girls on a wig rampage, so excitement was at an all time high!) While they were trying on wigs, I snuck out and went across the street to the ... Aveda Salon:) In the time it took then to pic out a Wig... I got a hand massage, a head massage and... a Hair Cut! - Are you ready? It's 100% different!

Yep, Yep, it happened! It's all gone! Back to my roots! That's Alissa wig ... amazing right? :) Now everyone's going to think I have a fake ID! It was totally meant to be too: Aveda doesn't take walk ins, someone had canceld about a minute before I walked in the door...


Running way late, we rushed back to the hotel to freshen up for our spirit of Jefferson Cruise! With new hair and all we were ready:)

We get down there really early so we can pay and all that stuff... We're waiting to board and as we're standing there enjoying each others (adult) company, up pulls two charter buses full of 6th graders! I'm not lying!!! 100 kids screaming kids start piling out... we were like; You've got to be kidding me!

We said; this situation could aether be excruciating, or we can make the best of it. We chose the latter! After the cafeteria food dinner (I'm going to have to spend all day tomorrow on the toilet!) we took to the dance floor like starving camels at a watering hole! lol These kids ate us up! They were still at the age were there was no judgment so it turned out to be a really good time!

Every time we stopped dancing, groups of girls would get the courage to come up to us and tell us what great dancers we were! One girl was dancing with Kyle, then all the sudden she stops and says "you look just like my father."

These girls were treating me like I was Zack Ephron (sp?) ... I wanted to be like hunny I'm sorry, I'm a homo... lol It was Debby's Birthday and the girl who's at the very bottom left of the above picture ... she commissioned me to personally sing Happy Birthday to her...

Everyone had a blast! Even the chaperone's thanked us on the way out ... we were like, this is what we do for a living:)

Finishing off the night with a hot tub, it turned out to be quite an entertaining day:) I hope you like the hair ... if you don't, don't tell me! lol

Love you all! Talk to you later:)