First of all - Happy Birthday Dad:) It's my fathers B-day today, he's turning the big 50... he's so young:)

I know it looks like I have a poodle on the top of my head - but it was a good pic of Dad. I love you and wish I could be there to celebrate! May you be blessed with 50 more great years:) lol
We recently had a much needed week lay off. It was amazing! I love Manhattan so much! The first day I got there I saw an 80 year old lady roller blading, a munk in the full out garb; brown robe, the beads - everything. Then I saw 2 people, one right after the other, with big black eye patches... all in one day! I was like really? Only in NY!
But clearly I spent most of my time with Jonny:) we had so much fun! We saw 2 movies;

I liked Indiana Jones a little more than Narnia. It was kind of funny, we went to the very first showing of I.J., at midnight. The buzz in the theater was amazing! People even dressed up for the occasion! I was like, Really?
We also saw 2 shows on the big, amazing B-way. The first one was;

It was AMAZING! A 3 act play of total genius! The mother and daughter are both up for Best Actress in a play, for the Tony's this year, totally deserved! It's about this totally dysfunctional family, and it's fascinating!
The other show we saw keeping in the category of dysfunctional, over baring, messed up mothers was;

Miss Patti was absolutely incredible! She's also up for best Actress in Musical, of course she's going to win, little bitch, everything does is so good - I kind of hate her:) I was also quite impressed with Luis (Gypsy Rose) she was quite enjoyable!
And of course we had the occasional party to go too:) lol no but, my freind Erin Spears, who's subletting my Apt. right now:) Had a b-day party on Monday. And my roommate Jen had a going away party, she's finishing up school in France and then moving to California. So it ended up perfect that I was in town to say goodbye:)

Also Congratulations to Josie who finally finished her Masters! She graduated from Columbia University that day! Doesn't she look amazing:) The trio, sadly, will no longer be though:( Amanda, a besty of Josie and I, is moving into Jen's room in October. It's a little bitter sweet, I'm so sad that Jen is leaving, but so excited for her new endeavour and for Amanda to move in - love both girls so much!
The thing that I love most about the city is you'll be out with one person, having lunch or coffee, and you'll run into everyone you know. It's the biggest city in the world yet the smallest when it comes to your privacy:) You can never leave the house looking nothing but your best... lolol I got to catch up with some amazing friends, Brad;

He's shorter than me. So when we take pictures he likes to stand on his toes to try to give himself a little more hight... clearly it didn't and Anton ...

We ate lunch at this 5 star restaurant and that a friend of ours works at. It was kind of awkward, clearly we were not dressed for the occasion, but they seated us anyway. Total judgment from the entire restaurant! Every move we made was being watched and noted! lol the lady next to us even pulled out her American Express Black, I wanted to ask her if I could just touch it. But I figured she had body guards somewhere that would shoot me for talking to her!
On the weekend Jonny and I went down to spend a couple days with his family! A lovely visit as always:) On Sunday the weather was amazing so we went sailing with a family friend of theres. So much fun!

Oh, this picture fetchers our new sunglasses as well, we got them down in the village - they're so over the top I love them:) Anyway, It was so funny I almost got knocked off the boat about 20 times. We defiantly got a sensible sunburn:) And we got to celebrate Jonnys b-day;

I called it the homo cake:) It was kind of hard to light the candles with the wind, but the cake was delicious! Over all the only thing bad about the week was the one audition that I went on for Radio City... I kind of wanted to shoot myself, just everything about it was bad, I was humiliated! lol - but we move on and focus on the good things!
I love you guys, Talk to you later:)