Right after brake we went up to Buffalo NY. Very cute little town... the theater we performed at was gorges! Apparently very old and historical.

We were in a cab going back to the hotel and the driver was like "oh you are playing at Shea's, I went on a tour of the theater, they have curtains from the 1800's that weigh 4,000 lb's" I didn't see them if they're there...
Anyway - the best part about Buffalo was not the wings... Although we did go to the birthplace of buffalo wings ... they were good!

Now I don't know how long they've been the "Original" for... some signs say 1936 and some say 1964... personally I think 1936 sounds more impressive but ... what are you gonna do.
The best Part of Buffalo was ... Niagara Falls!!! We had 4 hours before we had to be at the theater so, Alissa, Laura, the new girl Christie and I rented a car and did it! It was breath taking! I can't even imagine people doing Barrel rides off of it, and surviving! ... I for some reason had a very strong urge to get a raft and jump in ... but I figured it would be suicidal.
Are you ready?

P.S. That's Canada on the other side of the drop... That log floating in the middle of the picture is about to burst into a million pieces when it hits the bottom of this...

I couldn't get a really good pic of it but this is the Shoehorn Falls ... they are the biggest of the the 3 of them! Just the power of the falls in general is overwhelming!

And see the mist ... you can see it from the freeway witch is 25 minutes away...
Of course to make our experience worth it, we did the Cave of the Winds ... it was amazing, first of all we got to were these really attractive poncho's that did wonders for our figure! in terms of protected us from getting wet... NOPE!

I'm not lying to you ... We were dancing under Niagara Falls! You couldn't even breath the pressure of the water falling on you was unbelievable! and every time we would get the courage to get up in it's busnass it seamed to blow even harder! I got some really cool pics thou:)

See that water fall in the center of the pic... we were under it! Dancing... AKA screaming like fools! We had our tour gide take of pic of us after... you can't really see it but we are socked!

lolol We're so dramatic I love it! So of course we couldn't go just once ... I needed more! Later that day we came back to the Falls at night:

I can't handle it! They're too much! We read about how the falls will eventually become rapids, cause the different layers beneath it are not able to hold and are collapsing... it wont happen for the very long time but still I'm kind of glad that I got to see it before it got boring! :) Over all it was a perfect day!

I love you all:) Talk to you later:)
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