This last week we went to a couple cities in the gorgeous state of Washington! The cast flew from Detroit to Seattle on Monday, went straight to Yakima via bus after they landed and then had two days off... in Yakima... I said no thank you!!! So my mom and dad (love them) flew me home on Sunday night right after the shows, the flight went by so quick, I'm reading a book called "A Density of Souls" by Christopher Rice... Its kind of amazing! Right when we landed things in the book got really intense!!! I kind of wanted to stay on the plain and read... and then I realized I was home!!!!!!!!!!! YaaaaaaaaYYYYYYYY!
So the next day Stephanie and I spent the hole day together:)

We did some sensible shopping, she got some really cute shoes for her Halloween Costume. Later we went over to Nicks espresso stand on Mercer Island and distracted him while on the job... haha when he started getting busy we decided to go home, get some movies, wine and enjoy an amazing home cooked meal by my mother:)
Tuesday was jam packed with excitement! I had to get up way to early to get a dentist apt. I was a little worried cause I've been experiencing some sensitivity, but it turned out that some of my roots are starting to be exposed... anyway all is good in the mouth department. After dentist, I dropped off some tickets at Cascade to Darcy Cooper, it was so much fun seeing my faves at school again. After that met my mom at Costco to look at eye glasses, it was a bust! Before my eye apt. I met up with Diana at my favorite Sub place "Tubs Gourmet Subs" it was amazing as usual! However my time at the eye doctor was little to be desired! My eye's have doubled in badness... I know - grammar is my strong point! My left eye is 1.0 with a small stigma, and my right is a little better at .50... not too bad but just enough to not see. When I was dilated, I picked out my glasses with the help of mom and the doctor, surprisingly my glasses were ready really quick. What do you think?

I just took that pic now. The reason for the sheet is I took a nap and my hair is standing straight up! lol but there they are... people say they look like Sarah Palin glasses... so I punch them in the face... only kidding:)
After eyes... mom and I went up to Bellingham to have dinner with my Grandpa. He couldn't come to the show on Saturday cause his white blood cells count was too low... and the last thing he needs to be in a room full of germ carying kids! But dinner was great, it was really nice to visit with him:) I don't remember what we did once we got home. I know that the next day was going to be a really long day so I think we just talked a bit and then went to bed!
The next morning I got up really early again because I had a long drive. I met back up with the cast in Yakima Wa. It's about a 3 hour drive over the mountains. I broke it up a little bit and had lunch with my cousin Amy in Ellensburg.

Finnaly I arrived in Yakima did two shows and slept very well that night! The next day Dorian rode with me to Kennewick, and the hole ride we talked about our significent others... hahaha who knew it was possible to talk about two people for 2 hours straight? But we had lunch, did a show and then I was off to Ellensburg again! I was so ready to leave the cast, everyone was really tense for some reason... However the drive to E-town was a little spookie, the Garmin took me on back roads the hole time. I kept having visions of the guy from gypers creapers landing on the roof of the car, braking the sunroof, pulling me through it... well you get the picture.
When I arrived in E-town Amy finished her homework and we went out! Well you know it's Ellensburg... so... anyways our first stop was a Truck Stop... litteraly a truck stop! It was cute though they gave you free pee nuts, and you tho the shells on the floor!

Our next stop was a place that was so dead... there was only 3 people on the dance floor. A coupld was doing the sterio tipicle swing dance partnering move, when the guy swings the girl to the left then to the right and then she strattles the guy... well when the girl strattled the guy he completly lost his ballance and she fell head first to the ground, and didn't move! The bartender called 911 and everything... aparently it was her 21st B-Day, I was thinking that she's going to be feeling all sorts of pain tomorrow. when we left she was at the bar holding her head up not making any sence of things!
The next place we went to was a lot more hoppin:)

This is all of Amy's friends slash roommates... they were all very nice and welcoming. It was a really fun night! Amy and I always have fun whenever we're together. The next moring was another early morning, she had class and I had to get home to help mom with the Party:)
Yes, it was our turn to host the hometown get together! We had a bunch of people in and out of the house helping get everything ready:) The most entertaining guests were Aunt Verginia, her sister Helen, cousin Nicole, her oldest dauter Hannah, and last but not least her two twin girls Aubrie and Mahayla

Nichole's girls are amazingly adorable!

By the time everyone got to the house the twins were in bed, but Hannah was up and getting to know everyone at the party:) She was hilarious!

She was running around having everyone from the cast sign a piece of paper... she was the hit of the party... here she is on the bus in my bunk...

Watch out Hannah Montana the other Hannah is gonna be sweeping the nation soon!
So at like 8:07 PM the cast arrived, it was kind of funny cause Hank missed the turn into my culdesac and ended up just reversing the bus all the way back down the hill and in front of the house. The neighbors were coming out of there houses to see what was going on... one guy just came out to check to see if his car was ok... hahaha Once parked the party started it was so much fun.
Before we surved the food we had a little veiwing of a preshes jem that we like to call "The Shark Attack" It's kind of the most amazing thing that i've done... or will do in my entire carreer... hahaha this is everyones reaction to the vid:

I would like to point out Dorian in these pictures ... red and white stipped, his reaction is pricesless.
The food was a hit! We had Flank Stake, Shrimp Pasta, Cheesy Roles, Strawbary & Fetta Sallad with my moms favmouse Garlic Mashed Potatos. For Disert we had an amazing 7 layer mud cake... aka we ate like rock starts! Speeking of Rock Stars all of my family really wanted to see the bus so I gave like 10 tours ... lol

After some redonkulouse food, some classic entertainment, it was time to go... before they left we had to take a sensible pic of everyone that came from the tour:

Notice Hannah, front and center... yeah watch out she's the next replacement for the Flighty Fairy:)
The nest day was one of the biggest/most important days of this tour! A - We were performing at the Paramount:

B - I was going on as Pablo. And C I had 120 people coming to see me... Anxcioty had been plaguing me the whole week before. I was so nervous! The morning started out with Sound check at 9:30 AM, then a 9:45 flight call. At 10:00 I did a meet and greet for 75 people, It was pandemonium, they had to bring everyone into the house cause there wasn't a room big enough to hold everyone!

Even my 4th 5th grade teacher came... Mrs. Husker:

Nanny was the funniest tho.

She wheeled herself up to the front of the line and says to me "wow you look, different. So what ells do you play in the show?" I say "Well Pablo and a Flower" She says "What? A Flower? You mean F-L-O-W-E-R?" "Yeah Nanny" "Oh I don't get it!!!" and she wheels away... Dorian and I died with laughter!

There's more to come about Nanny... but the best thing about the meet and greet was the kids:

And then there's the Nordtvedt family... this was suppose to be there Christmas card pic... needless to say I hope they don't use it!

the babies kept slipping on our fleece... I was so thankful when Nellie called last pic and then grabbed our hands and pulled us out of the house! My mouth was hurting so bad from smiling!
Amazingly the show went really well! It was quite fun actually! The audience was amazing!!! It was one of the best. After the show I ran out to say hi to everyone, I was a sweaty mess!!!

I loved seeing everyone, it's been way to long!!! Thank you to everyone who came and supported me... I wish I wasn't a fat penguin but you know, you can't have it all:)
and yes ... the day keeps going! After the 3 shows I did a quick little rince off, so that I wouldn't smell like 3 show day and then went to my Aunt Cindy and Uncle Scotts 25th year wedding Anniversery Dinner:

The Drinks, Food, Cake, Companie it was such a good night! Libby and David took care of everything, they are so generouse! Here's a pic of Nanny and the grandkids:

Nanny was pretty funny! She had had a glass or two of wine... and when you mix that with an already overtly blunt old lady the combination is priceless! She thought it would be a really good idea to wait till a lull in the convorsation to ask me why I don't have a girlfriend... Everyone just got bug eyed and looked down, then she called me an alcaholic cause I drink in general. And then she tried to tell Mom and Dad, that no one thought that there marage would last... she was on role! I can't wait till i'm old and can say whatever I want and get away with it! It's going to be so much fun!
After the dinner we went home and passed out! The next day we had a morning show, and then had to leave an hour and a half after our show was over, witch sucked but Mom and Dad took Christie and I out to lunch. Witch was really nice... we joked about showing Nanny a pic of the too of us so that she will get off my back:)
Ok i've been blogging for the past 5 hours... Oh boy! I love you all Talk to you later:)
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