So Yesterday we arrived in San Diego in the morning. Unfortunately I woke up feeling like poop! my ears kept popping, I couldn't breath, my throte hurt. I was not a happy camper. I was going to go to the doctor but as the morning went on I started to feel better so i decided to just get some Robitussin (Thank you Aunt Cindy) Once Christie and I got our selves together we met up with LaRaisha. We thought to ourselvs, what can we do that is really cheep and fun? THE BEACH! ok wait were is it? so we figured out all the lagistics, went to vons...? I've never herd of it, it's just a grocery store. and then went to the bus... yes we took the bus to the beach... haha and of course it was a productions! non of us had change so we had to get change from the driver and he was taking forever, everyone on the bus was getting so angry with us! It was kind of funny! But finally we got ot the beach, and it was georges!
They took turns, LaRaisha played first, we had a little beatles jam setion.
So after some more sensible beach dance party, Christie and I went down to do a photo shoot in the water... We took a lot of pics and made huge fools of ourselves! But we got some really good pics! Here's the best pics from Christie's photo shoot:
So later on in the day everyone ells except for Shawn came out to the beach... If was kind of amazing, we were all walking on the beach, I had gotten an ice cream cone, Dorian got a frozen chocolate banana, well apparently the seagulls really liked what we had and wanted some... we got attacked! At first they were swarming just Dorian and I, but then Kandace got spooked and started running! so they all started fallowing her. The funniest thing I've ever seen in my life... short little kandace running around the beach screaming with seagulls screaching and swarming around her. I tried to throu to last bit of my ice cream cone away from her but it didn't work. finally when all the food was gone they went away.
Twards the end of the day the fog was just too think and it got really cold!
Dorian had to go to an Americna Apparell to get the last bit of his Halloween cotume. Having nothing ells to do I went with him for the fun of it. It eneded up that the AA was in the gay district of San Diego called Hillcrest:
Ok I have a bus call in 15 mins and I still have to pack!
I love you all! Talk to you later:)
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