Yep The Backyardigans went to St. Louis!!!!!!!!! (Do you want to me meat me there? - sorry I couldn't resist, you know I love my Judy:)

We had quite a fun day... It started out with a photo shoot cause our hotel was Gorges!

I'm sure you all are so sick of the photo shoot pics ... but I'm tellin ya, we have nothing ells to do! It's not going to end, so embrace it... hahaha
Once we headed out the door we were stopped by this Kodak moment.

You know it's the car that they got for us to drive around the city in... HA that's funny!
Ok enough couture:) Our first thing on the agenda was the Arch! Here's another pic:

It's huge! We just had to go up in it... we paid the $12, and enjoyed a lovely video about it's purpose, who built it and all this really important stuff that I didn't really pay attention too. Finally, it was our turn... we got in this tinny elevator and prayed for our lives!

I was so nervous, I was sweating... Dorian must think he's in GQ or something... We finally got to the top looked out of the windows on both sides, and then we were like... ok time to go back down ... I mean once you're up there there's not really much to do! haha

here's a pic of one of the sides... the other side was of the dirty river and filth!

When we were waiting for the elevator to go back down I took this amazing pic!

I think with some photo shop and cropping these could be amazing head shots!
By this time in the day we were starving!!! So we suck out some St. Louis Goodness! We ended up at an amazing place. They had $ on the wall... no joke:

It was rip off of Hooters I think ... I can't remember the name. But the food was really unhealthy and really good! Dorian was starving:

Yes that was all for him... He may be 4 foot 11 but let me tell you the boy can eat! So by this time in the afternoon we had had two Hurricanes and we were feeling pretty good...

lol... with our bellies full, we set off to explore. We first started walking around our hotel and quickly realized that there was nothing there so we asked some very nice girls what to do, without hesitation they said the Loop. So we, without hesitation hopped on the train and went there to check it out.

Aperently Christie is just way to buisy to get up on it! ...I had to lift Dorian up onto his... hahahahaha I have no clue why those are there? Just some sensible decoration for the street I guess:)
The loop was so cute! It was full of little boutics and shops there are a lot of really good resturants and amazing vintage stores! I got a really nice leather jacket:

We ate dinner at this really nice Tye place and then went home. we were kind of pooped from all the walking.
So Christie, Creighton, Jiney and I are all doing this thing called the Perfect Cleans:

It's similer to the master cleanse exect with this one you can actually eat! It's not much but you can eat. In the morning you can have friut. For lunch, salads, vegies, nuts, tofu and white fish. Then for dinner, you take the first pill wait 30 mins, have some soup, wait another 30 mins drink and discusting shake that taste's like cardboard, then before you go to bed you take the last pill.
I did it partly cause it sounded like a good idea, and other people were doing it... but it's good to always do a little restart with your dygestive siystem. And it's broadened my palat! before I hated white fish, brokoly, vigies really... it's been really good for me! I'm on day 8. The first two days were horrible!!!! but after that it was doable! Now I feel really week and brittle, but other than that I highly suggest it:)
I love you all and will talk to you later:)
1 comment:
i laugh out loud every time i read your blog. see your beautiful face in six days! :)
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