I live in NYC & everywhere I go I see things that make me stop and think. Now that I have the sensible iPhone i can start capturing all these moments and share them with you - I hope you find them as interesting as I do. DISCLAIMER: I can't spell so read at your own risk :)
Friday, October 31, 2008
LA - The Land of Dreams
Ok this one is going to be long... I had to write about our hotel! it's so funny! When we were in LA we stayed at: Don't ask me why it's upside down & backwards, I don't know... maybe they do it just because they can, or the joke is that; there's nothing really "Standard" about it, so they put if upside down to show you that... I don't know... hahaha anyways the rooms are amazing!
P.S. I got all these pics on line... I can't take credit for them... clearly! Now if you'll notice in that last pic; the Shower is totally exposed, the only thing that separates your cleansing time from your sleeping quarters is 2 slabs of glass. If you had a single room, there was no curtain, clear as day see through glass! But in the double rooms, there was one white curtain. If it was just you and your significant other it could be really sexy... but if you weren't with your lover, well... This is one of my favorites about the room ... the toilet paper... look at the sticker:
I mean really LA, really? Here's some pics of the rooftop bar/pool...
So chic! I walked around the downtown area a bit, I took some pics of some stuff that caught my eye:
For the most part everything kind of looked really rundown:
Now. Time for Halloween Fun! I went dressed up as... well hold on, my costume was completely free:) I based my costume off of a different costume that I designed for a dance called "Grocery Bag" here it is, this is my friend Andy Mills... hahaha it's only 38 seconds:
I know it's so stupid But I love it! haha So my first idea was to be a grocery bad... but once I got everything together it kind of morphed into a couple different names... Bag lady, trashy queen, garbage fairy, heirs a pic of the final product:
That's a trophy on my left and a Hippy on my right:) Here's a pic of everyone in our group:
So we have Diana the Trophy again, Nick the football player, LaRaisha and Christie getting granola, Bryant's kneeling down ready to take off and win the gold, and then there's me... and the dog:)
We started the night out at LaRaishas friend Nicks house then we went over to another friend of hers after that, maneuvering around with 12 bags filled with news paper turned out to be a little difficult!
Riding in cars was really entertaining! Getting threw big groups of people was also tricky... and that's just what we did all night long! We went down to West Hollywood for what they called the "Parade" ... well we were the Parade! Everyone comes down and walks the streets in there costumes. And let me tell you we saw some ridiculousness!
Once we got downtown we went to a bar... I felt like the bell of the ball! No one really knew what I was but everyone wanted a pic with me... they thought it was so funny...
That's Amy ... Just wasted! There were two couples one was from France the other Japan that were pretty funny!... you know just makin friends:) So we left there and went to a street corner to see were some other people from the cast were:
Making use of the time I just started taking pictures! I think I took like 300 total in the night ... clearly i'm not going to put them all up! don't wory! But here are some of the best:
Hippies unite! ... You know it's kind of funny cause you have a couple catagories of halloween costumes. First we have your cartoon / hero / childrens costume:
By the by this is what Jonny went as... hahaha:
Yep full out no marking! I love it! I can't wait to see him - 12 days!!!
So our next catagory is celebs / political figures:
Notice how Miss Pailin is holding her baby? So then you have the the crazy scary people:
And then you have the people that use Halloween as an excuse to wear nothing at all... WARNING! This section is rated PG-13:
I think I would have too say Dorian and I fit in that category... haha there were so many people there! After a while everyone started to look like this:
We were walking with our group in the middle of the crowd and I was looking at all the crazies around me... and then all of a sudden I realized that I had lost my group... I do a couple circles, and panic started to set in! I was like what am i going to do??? I was carying everyone's cell phones and wallets, me being the bag lady and all! And then all of sudden this guy:
Was like, "Hi, did you loose your friends?" It was really funny! He walked with me for like 4 blocks untill I found everyone... I don't even remember his name or anything about him, he was just a nice man that helped me get back to my group:)
We met up with some other people from the cast
Creighton was a Fallen Angel, Megan was Audry from Little Shop of Horrors, Kyle was Elvis Presley, Dorian was Cupid, and who knows who that guy in red is he just decided he wanted to be in the pic. We said hello and then we left again ... lol I don't know why but anyway 9 of us started to hed back to the car. It was impossible to stay together, so we held hands and formed a very long line and started treading through the group ... going to oposite way of the crowd. I loved it I got to see everyones costumes again, it was really fun:) LaRaisha's friend Nick was so nice and drove of home, We got the hotel and about .2 second later I passed out!!!
hahaha with face on and everything... It was a great nite! I had so much fun!!! Thank you LaRaisha for planning it and for sharing your friends:)
The next day it was time to get back to work! And we were excited! because we were performing at:
Yes, we shared the stage with every performer in the business ever! Every award show has been filmed there, it's amazing! They have pictures lining the walls back stage, of the greats! I couldn't handle it! Our dinky little stage could have fit about 6 times cofortibly on the Nokia stage, it was huge and the house:
It was pretty amazing! We had a red carpet event and everything:
Ok so maybe this was just hanging in the backstage area but Christie and I couldn't pass it up. We actually did have a real red carpet, Jenny McCarthy and Tory Spelling were there with there kids:
Jenny was so nice! Tory didn't relize that she was going to get her picture taken, so she was a little frusturated, but it was really interesting to see how it really worked. Beth came and introduced us to her daughter and her daughters husband ... they were so nice and informative! The week was really fun! We had Halloween festivities, the amazing dinner with Beth, I got to chatch up with Jen - my old roommate ... I had a lot of fun! Would I want to live there... I don't know... I need to see more of it, and I need a car! It's impossible to get around with out a car, and or a lot of money for cabs!
Hey congrats to Obam's! Now the hard work really begins! let's turn this economy around, and stay true to what you promiced!
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