Our final destination is San Diego, but since it's way too far away from Seattle we have to brake it up. Our first stop was Melbourne Oregon... witch was nothing but immensely boring! The only thing to do there was the mall, and it was a ghost town! The day consisted of the "so called mall" a very long nap and the Seattle blog... hahaha So productive I know! Anyway I went to bed and woke up in Sacramento:)
We had a really fun day. Christie and I got up when the bus arrived, got ready in matching pink outfits, and then went to the front desk and asked them what to do. She said without a moments hesitation, "go to Old Sacramento!" So we did:)
P.S. I'm watching the National Geographic Chanel... they're doing a show about global warming and what would happen if the earth's temperature went up only by 4 degrees, well NYC would be submersed in water... can we all ban together and do our part to save NYC...
Anyway back to todays adventures! Christie, Megan and I set off to check out "Old Sacramento" your probably saying to yourself what is this O. S. anyways? Well it's a part of town that they have restored and kept up to look like it did in late 1800's. Here's a pic that was taken way back in the day:

And this is what it looks like now:

That last pic is of the School House... inside they have documents from 1876 explaining the rools for teachers... they couldn't do anything! They had to be home from 8pm to 6am, they couldn't "Court" anyone, they couldn't go riding in a carage with a man unless it was a father or brother. I could go on but you get the picture...
The walk over from the hotel was kind of a long walk, fortunatly we had to walk throu a mall to get there. Now one thing that i've noticed about CA is the malls look exactly the same as the ones back home... they're just outside... I guess cause the weathers nice more that it is not... just an observation. But on the way, of couse we found some things to take pictures with:)

After we walked throu the mall we were greeted with this lovely inviting sign:

And yet again ... more pics were taken... they had a little tunnel going unter the interstate, and they had some amazing murells on the walls... here:

You for some reason we felt so refreshed after taking those pics... I think we're addicted! Oh well, with our journey over, Megan and I needed food. Christie having already ate... needed to get her hair did, so she suck out a salon and Megan and I just crossed the street to the nearest saloon ... FYI they were all called saloon's, I don't need all of you to be thinging i'm an alcaholic like Nanny:) Anyway the place we went to was really cute:

Everyone was really nice, and everything was really old! The bar had all these engravings on it... so many that nun of them were ledgible. It was fun and cheep! After that we did some exploring... I didn't get anything cause now that we're closing I need to save all the money that possible can, so that I can eat when we get back to city:) I think the New York poverty diet is going to happen no matter how much I save up, money in seems to go so much faster when your in NY.
Wow so many parentheticls today, so sorry, anyways! At about 5 we dicided to head home, on the way christie found this store in the mall that we stopped at. We been looking forever for an Obama T-shirt and finaly our search came to end... well for Christie at least!

She's elated! It's a cute one too:) Once we got back to the hotel room we sat our lazy butts down and got on our computers... I started blogging and who knows what Christie does on her comp... but I take a little brake and look over to see what Christie's doing and this is what I see:

I was like WHAT? ARE YOU OK? hahaha aparently she's not doing too well with the dry west coast weather. The other day in seattle she did the whole second act of one of the shows with a napkin in her nose... hahaha I mean, I'm so sorry babe that's terrible!
So I think we're going to start filming some stuff cause the bus is off and we can't go watch movies... isn't tour life so exciting?
I love you all and will talk to you later:)
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