WOW... WOW - WOW - WOW!!!!
So I have a good one for you guys today!
Ashley and I:

That pic was taken at Mount Rushmore by the way:) fun day ... I'll tell you about it later! This is more important!
So we found out just the other day that Ashley and I were going to do a Live TV interview for a local NBC affiliate station here in Phoenix...
We got picked up at 5:50AM I got like 2 hours of sleep because I was so afraid I was going to miss my alarm, hahah! So anyways we get to the station and are greeted with our coffee orders - I felt so glamorous - I was like "YES I can most def get used to this" haha
So we sit in this green room watching the news live... in the same building as it's being broadcasted... it was a little weird! This lady comes in and is like "you guys are up," so laxidaysicaly "we'll try to play you the clip of the song during a commercial brake" ... We needed the music cause we were gonna teach them the last part of the Choreo: hahah
So we get into this Brand new studio -- Today was there debut show, it's kind of amazing that we got a time slot!!!

All the camera's are on hydraulics and are moving about the studio by themselves - it was kind of crazy!
So I say to this guy ...
"ummm... should we have some sort of mic situation?"
"uhhh oh - yeah"
He starts running!!!! Frantic he's trying to find two portable mics for Ash and I to wear. Meanwhile it's the commercial brake before our segment and no music is happening - then Fay Fredricks:

A very lovely lady, comes over to introduce herself... we're talking and then get yelled at because they were right in the middle of a weather segment!!! hahaha
It was crazy!!! Fay's trying to get the information for the interview, Cameras - like awkward robots are rolling all over the place on there own accord, Ash and I are getting miced:

And then out of nowhere Scott Light is standing right next to me introducing himself:

So we're Talking, Laughing, then all of a sudden Fay starts talking at the camera!!! WE'RE LIVE!!! There was no warning, no 3-2-1... "Well ok - here we go!!!"
... Just ... here's the clip - Watch it and then I'll tell you what was happening on our end:
So here's the deal with the Dancing ... the music was NOT playing in the studio! We couldn't here it, had no clue!!! So that's why I counted off at totally the wrong tempo in the middle of the song!!! AHHHHHH hahah - It came on at the end, the last jump kicks were Ash and I are kicking our faces, that's all we heard of that music and were finally together for like 2 1/2 kicks...
So they cut and that was it! Fay and Scott said thanks and ran off to do another segment while we just escorted ourselves out and came back to the hotel ... we left laughing / in a state of shock - not really knowing what just happened...
Some things I love from the vid:
A) I look like a legal midget on TV!!!
B) What was with the Politzer Prize comment?
C) Apparently Scott made a sports reference after the pulled hammies comment ... tots went right over my head!!! (thank you Stephanie for pointing that out!)
D) Scott Ducking out at the last minute killed me - I was laughing so hard / but couldn't touch on it cause I was freaking out about how we were all off!!!!!
Such a funny morning! I talked to our PR guy Andrew afterward and he said it wasn't as crazy as it felt and he was happy with it... so all is good:)
Hope it made you smile cause i'm dying - hahahahahaha :)
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